Monday, April 13, 2015

I'm toast

I'm so done.  Toast.  Stick a fork in me....

When isn't one of our weekends whirlwind these days?   So Saturday off to get horse equipment repaired, look for some new stuff, stock up on supplies in Hazelton.

Sunday, up at the butt crack of dawn to get in line at Waverly.  Boy, it was nuts. The parking needs to be addressed as well as some of the set up.  Just not really well organized and not a lot of stuff of quality either.

Though some how I ran into several people who indeed did know what a cardigan was and even knew of some of the old time cardigan breeders.  WOW!  Oh and several others wanted to know how much I'd sell Mal and Kevin all know that there are days I'll pay people to take Kevin :)  Not one of those days.  Sorry not for sale.

We did come home with this...
and this.....

I've been hunting for golden lace wyandotte chicks for ages, finally found some.  And Muff and I decided we needed a goat.  And yes, we are looking for a second one to keep this one company.  Phoenix thinks it's a cool play toy.  Dogs, oh can we chase it?  Ducks--what the hell did  you do now???

And while we sent off the Muff on her trip, that left Hubby and I as empty nesters.  Shocking!  What to do?  Why let's clean the barn!  Finally, after 11 years, we have a nice tack room, all the saddles hung up, bridle racks coming this week and it's super fun to have it all in one organized place.  

Did I mention I rode the princess too?  No limp, little stiff and yes, I now have my trail horse back.  For some odd reason she's stuck in reverse.  Can't stand still, keeps moving slowly backwards.  Nothing is simple is it?

Later gators....

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