Tuesday, January 17, 2012

ABC's and 123's

Report cards are in. And darn it, I have no poker face. Tried as hard as I could to stare the Ms down and scold her about her "bad" grades. Didn't work, because the Ms once again proved that she can buckle down and do it!

Yeah, the one bad grade is in Spanish, which is by far her least favorite subject. The grade, a B-, and only because she didn't opt for a test retake and had a couple late assignments.

She even managed a couple A+'s, the rest are mostly A's and a B in the dreaded Math!

Way to go MS!!!! Now waiting on the annual ITBS or what ever it is that they take in junior high--crossing fingers that for the 3rd year in a row she qualifies for summer college prep classes! The last two years, her scores in three areas are college level(that's when she was in 6th and 7th grade) while the remainder were mostly 3-4 grades ahead of the norm, avg 10th and 11th grade levels.

And you wonder why I can't keep her nose out of a book?

Later gators....

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