Friday, February 25, 2011

Not the day to start the diet!

Over the last 2 years, I've been dealing with some medication issues due to my asthma. Which if you all know steriods, can cause weight gain and I have no self control. New job with lots of desk time and I just plain hate the cold and refuse to move out from under my winter blankie.

So with a firm resolution, I've got my new exercise tape, the weather is warming up for walking, new shoes on order and working on getting my food intake under control.

BUT...............this happened today...........

My Girl Scout Cookie order came in today.

Foiled again! I am so screwed.

Later gators...


penni said...

Freeze the cookies and parcel them out over the year. Yep -- you are so screwed!

Taryn said...

I just got my GS cookies through one of my co-workers, so I totally understand. My trick is to leave them at work so I can't pig-out at home. At the office there are too many eyes around to really let go :-) and a greater chance I'll have to share!

Cindy said...

Since my freezer is in the far corner of the basement, that's where they will get stashed tonight. I never have the munchies bad enough to go all the way down there to get something! Now to keep them away from Alec, though 6'4", 165 lbs and no butt, he needs the cookies.

Ashley said...

I avoided the people selling those cookies for their kids at work like the plague. Last year I bought 3 boxes and kept them there at work. Bad cuz I didn't have to share! I had like 4 or 5 thin mints after lunch every day til they were gone! Sure I gained a few pounds from that too. *sigh* Why are we so powerless over Girl Scout cookies?!