Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The "I"s have it!

They made it!  4 big fat puppies and Pete really hates me now.  No not really, she's more clingy, looking at me then at the four squirming rats in the whelping box.  Right now she associates them with pain-first big puppy was stuck, not a pleasant experience for either of us.

So here's the photo and the counts.  I'm in need of a nice nap and something to make me feel better-our accounting office has a stomach bug going around.  I think I'm next.

 Top to bottom: "Archie" B/W boy brindle points, 13oz(last one born) "Veroncia" Red brindle girl, 12 oz(3rd born).  "Betty" B/W girl brindle points, 11 oz(2nd born). "Darby" B/W boy, vivid brindle points, no white collar, 13 oz-first born and puppy that was stuck.  Names are simply to keep them straight when talking to people and very subject to change.  The registered names will have "I" in it somewhere.  More on that as we go.
Very fat and snuggly babies with Momma Pete this morning.

Later gators....

1 comment:

Liz said...

Pete has to be alot more comfortable than in the picture right below this one. How exciting.