Monday, August 20, 2012

All things considered, great day at THE fair!

Yes it's THE fair.  If you haven't experienced it, you are sorely missing out on one of the great adventures in your life.  Add it to your bucket list!

The Iowa State Fair is right up there with Texas-but of course I'm biased and consider our's the best.  I've spent years going, mostly competeing in some sort of livestock event, and wandering.  I could have spent 2-3 days there and still not get it all in.  We had a couple hours after judging of the dog show was done and The Tall Kid and I wandered to our favorite spots.

Oh the dog show---Tall Kid judged showmanship and The Ms showed in prenovice and showmanship with Eddie.  Granted it wasn't the best show ever, the Ms was happy and knows what she needs to proof Eddie on for next year.  Yes, she said, he will be going back and he will kick some butt.  He broke his long sit just shy of 30 seconds when some loud booms happened.  You know, you can't proof for that at home or in training.  Otherwise, he only had a couple points off on the stand(supposedly handler issue which did not happen-we watched that part) and a little distraction on his figure 8-um, yeah, Eddie lost a little focus and was admiring the stewards.  Typical Eddie.  Which he also had a fan club, got his picture taken like a dozen times and yes, more people want Eddlets-unreal.  Cora, better have a good dozen next time around!

Don't let me start on showmanship-Tall Kid did great and had lots of kids come up and ask for advise.  The Ms-she doesn't get it, I don't get it, Tall Kid didn't get it and that's where we leave it(she had a different judge because they didn't want Alec judging her).

Hubby got to go over and get coffee at his favorite place, found his draft friends and ran into a lot of other people we know--go figure, tens of thousands of peopel from all over the USA and we always manage to run into friends!

Tall Kid and I hit the FFA display building after judging, while The Ms and Hubby went to the DNR building.  I ate Fried Mac-n-Cheese(OMG!) had my funnel cake from the stand I always got to outside the Jacobson building, watched the Appy show with powdered sugar all over me from the funnel cake.  Had a couple of lemonades too-yum.

Of  course, yes, I did have something on a stick-a porkchop(Iowa Pork Rocks!).  Tall Kid had a great lamb burger at the Lamb Producers tent, toured the Ag Building-saw the butter cow, snow white and the seven dwarfs, bees, BIG pumpkins and just had fun! 

Went home, let dogs out, crawled into bed with loads of cold meds and dreamed of next year.  Sigh...I am taking a vacation there next year!!!!

Later gators...

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