Monday, June 4, 2012

Birthday Palooza!

Boy, June is the time for babies here at Foggy Bottom!  

It's time to wish the Comedy litter a happy first birthday!!!  
I heard that all the kids got cake and treats-most of them got of all things, carrot cake!!!  Happy Woofdays to Jeff Fa Fa, Monti, Buster and Angus!!

Emmett aka Buster and his pool party. 

Next up is the Jimmy Buffett Litter!  That would be Frankie, Dove, Bear, Shaker Baker, Arlo, Torch, Harry and Rogue.  
Did you know they turn four today??   I guess it's ice cream at home tonight and maybe a quick run to the creek and well, for Frankie a roll in something smelly.

Later gators...

1 comment:

Greg K said...

Holy cow Buster and Monte are clones! I've said it before and I'll keep saying it!

I hope all the other Monsters had a great birthday too!