Tuesday, June 15, 2010

At least the ducks are happy

And the frogs too.

Flash flooding around here today. See that little white circle abobe Cedar Rapids, that's kind of where the farm is. Not sure what the total rain fall prediction is but it's not pretty.

Current updates say that the creek that starts in our pasture-the Indian Creek, is already up and over it's banks as it winds through Marion. Wee haa, just what we wanted, more water.

Later gators....


Anonymous said...

Since I work in the virtual world now for State Farm I'm always checking the weather across the country and I saw that nasty storm. Hope you stay safe and somewhat dry.

Cindy said...

At least it's headed out of the state now! But there were a lot of roads underwater for the better part of the day. I'm dreading going home and checking the pasture.

Holly said...

I am hoping everything is OK - please stay safe!