Friday, July 24, 2009

G'bye Leonard

I got up this morning, usual routine, then walked by the puppy pen and sighed. Yeap, puppy sighs. Leonard aka Papa aka Yoda Ears is heading to his new home with Pam and Brian this weekend. I'm going to miss the little mouthy bugger. I'm not sure his siblings will though.

They are all piled in the puppy pen with a fan just outside of it. It got a little humid in the house last night and they have learned to appreciate the fans. Though, Leonard likes to bite at it when he runs by it on his way outside-watch out Pam. Anyway, they wake up as I walk through, having all been sleeping on their backs--Leonard has both ears up, sort of. If you call looking like Yoda as ears up. Again, sorry Pam, this is actually cuter then dumbo ears. They won't stay up for long though, give him a few minutes of play and they drop back down again. I just love it when the ears do that--Sweet Pea is at half mast right now but her's are so thick, it'll be another couple of weeks before they get up.

So to say goodbye to the first little monster to fly the nest, here's a few pics from last night after they all came in from harassing Eddie and Max in the front yard. Some just drop where they are at and some, well, like the company of a friend, even if it's their butt ;0)

Leonard and drapping himself over the pillow....
Lee--guess who uses the whole bed?? Over the next hour he rolled over and over until he was wedged upside down on the other side of the dog bed.

Sienna in front and you can sort of see Connie in the back. Cool kitchen floor to crash on.

And of course some times they just drop where they are. Sweet Pea was laying across the arm of the pillow, but stretched and rolled off, wedging herself next to Hope.

Ready for a flash back??? Here's my "boys" from last fall--Frankie, Arlo and Moose. Leonard is going up to WI to live with Arlo. He'll give the red boy a run for his money!

Later gators.....



Winjammin' said...

Great pictures! Can't wait to see them tomorrow!

Sherilyn said...

Hard to believe it's time for them to fly the coop! Wow! Can't wait to see them tomorrow and squeeze them a bit, if they'll hold still long enough! I'm sure Pam will have her hands full with Leonard! :) He's adorable!

manymuddypaws said...

cute cute! i can't believe they are already heading to their new homes.