Tuesday, April 8, 2008

drizzle with a chance of yuck

It's gotta be the whole being sick thing that's got me going blah. Talking to my friend John today, he said man, when are you ever going to get better? It's been one thing after another for about the last month. Finally figured out what triggered 2 weeks of asthma attacks, but now I have a hacky, drippy nose, achy cold. Must have gotten it at the dentist office last week-that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So here I sit, eating lunch and the umbrella is not up todayi n the pool park, it's drizzling out and I just want to take some good cold drugs and go to bed. Not going to happen with this pile of papers on the desk nor the list of things to get done at work this week. I guess that's life when you are in management. Decided a little bit ago to think spring. Got the ducklings coming, so how about the garden?

David and I decided a long time ago to try to do things in our lives to keep history alive and well. We are regular visitors to the History Center, even offered up some items from our families for them to display. Worked wtih CSPS on a project a few years ago. David is currently writing a group of short stories to be published at a later date. In the here and now, we have clydesdales which are listed as an endangered breed with the Livestock Breed Conservacy-working on breeding to preserve the old lines that came from overseas. The ducks we chose to keep not only are they good for herding with the dogs, but three of the breeds are also considered endangered. But on to the garden.


We love road trips. Dubuque is a favorite, so is Balltown. But David went to school at Luther College in Decorah and we like to go camping or just go visit places up that direction on occasion. At one time a small farm across from the college was being maintained by the fledgling company called Seed Savers. The historical farm also boasted rare breeds of cattle, horses and swine. It was magical. But as things do happen, they out grew their old location and are now just up the road a ways-you can get lost finding them but that's part of the fun. I can't wait for a couple of weeks to go up and roam around. Their goal is to create a park like atmosphere where they keep all of their rare plants, heirloom seed growing operations and a lovely herd of white park cattle.

So this year I dream of a garden full of fun, unusual but better tasting veggies. I have seeds from West Virginia that have been passed on to me to grow in Iowa. The Bread Squash was huge as well as very tasty, and I am a little nervous knowing that the seeds had been passed from generation to generation for decades. Hope I can live up to it's history. From Seed Savers, comes lovely golden and pink beets-yes I am a huge beet lover. Then orka, lettuces, onions, peas and beans. Though I must say the best thing is the tomatos. Big Hungarian Hearts, Brandywines, Amish Paste and The Wapsie Peach tomato. The taste is unlike anything you buy in the stores. Can't forget Meredith's watermelons, Alec's cantalope and David's hot and sweet peppers. My order is a mile long already.

Again, glancing out the window, no more snow left on the garden, but it's too muddy to till. Gotta think up new way to keep the dogs out of the garden this year-I have tomato & bean robbers-namely a Hope dog, a Moose, a Phoebe and a Click. Oh well, it's as good for them as it is for me. I always have help when working in the garden. Someone chasing a toad-usually that's Click. Or laying where I just weeded-that's Moose. Phoebe choses to lay on the lettuce, must be a cool spot. And Hope, well she just sneaks in and eats the tomatos on the vine.

Has it stopped raining yet?

later gators......

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