Monday, March 17, 2008

Thanks for the memories

What a dreary day, especially considering it's St Patrick's day. The parade downtown was a wet one to say the least and rather have a warm cup of tea then a cold glass of green beer. I have my token little green pin on. Everyone is Irish for the day but it's hard when you are actually Scottish. We just don't get along with everyone ;0)

Spent the morning at a funeral. Seemed like the day was made for one. Yesterday was cool but with undertones of warm, some sun. Not at all today. Misty, chill in the air, slight breeze and cloudy sky. Made it so fun to wear a skirt but at least i found a long wool one. The gentleman's funeral we attended was a very good friend of the family. Actually he was every one's friend. Graduated school with my dad, I helped out with his kids in 4-H and he was Alec and Elli's 4-H leader. Neighbor just a road over from us and always, always smiling.

Lynn's brother stood up for a small eulogy. He talked about his much older brother, what he learned from him and what he remembered about him. Then he rounded it out with rules that Lynn always seemed to live by. The first and foremost one and honestly, one of the few that I can say stuck with me, was smile. Lynn was always looking on the bright side of life. There was always a smile on his face, a chuckle in the midst of a mess and the ability to turn anything he was doing into just plain fun. It takes a mountain of a man to go through life like that. He was generous beyond words, kind to all and you were drawn to his contagious optimistic look out on life.

I hope to live my life like Lynn did. Grace under fire, a love for all that is around me, and always keeping my family close. His wife is one of the kindest women I've had a chance to meet and his boys are very much like their dad. Lynn can be very proud of them and the life they lead. Really going to miss him up at the fair grounds, around the neighborhood or running into him while picking up feed.

Thanks for some great memories Lynn, summer won't be the same without you but we will keep right on smiling and making the most of what we have.

Later gators....

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