Monday, March 24, 2008

good point

Comment was made about my rescue post that I figured I would post more about.

Fostering a dog is an wonderful opportunity to do something good for a dog that has had it worse in the past. But at times are we really doing the admiral thing by going from one hurtful situation to one that has it's own horrors? Remember rescue isn't just about getting a dog and keeping it in your home, there's so much more.

In order for foster a dog, you need to be able to devote lots of time and energy to making that dogs life better. Be it intense medical bills, sleepless nights, lots of training and innovative methods at that, or watching them destroy doors, kennels, toys, or other dogs in the household. Just "saving" a dog from the horrors of a puppy mill or being tied out in the back yard or from the overcrowding of a kill shelter, to relegate them to a kennel run in the garage or not allow them the intimacy of your home, is that any better? How about not being able to offer them the medical care they need? Lots of them will need altering, management on heartworm infections or worse maladies. If you can't get the funding from a breed rescue, can you take care of it yourself? Do you have the time and resources to take them to training classes, work with a behaviourist or spend hours just getting them to trust a human again? Many dogs are rescued from "rescuers" who have saved dogs only to have them face new ones of inadequate care and love in their new home.

Hoarding if one of those diseases that legitimate rescues run into every day. It really is hard on good rescues as it gives them bad names. Many shelters won't adopt out to rescue because of this. Hoarders start out saving dogs from horrendous situations, with the attitude of not letting go because they and only they can give them the stability they need. Fostering dogs for rescue means that many of them will eventually leave our homes to forever homes of their own. That's the whole goal. Hoarders on the other hand, won't adopt out and it only becomes worse when they keep thinking they are the best thing for the dog, no one else can help the dog like they can, etc. The list of excuses is unlimited.

Purebred rescues constantly have to deal with the after affects of hoarding. Collies in the last year have had to deal with at least 3 situations of over 100 dogs being confiscated by what was well meaning people in the beginning. This just overwhelms those organizations and doesn't allow them to do what they can for the other onzies and twozies in the the system.

I guess my point is this. Rescuing has many facets. It is not just about taking in a dog, rehabbing it and then placing it in it's forever home. It's about doing the paperwork, doing the transport, home checks, fund raising. The list of the behind the scenes jobs is unlimited. If your lifestyle, economic situation or your heart can't take it, then don't bring a foster in our home. Help out in some other way.

I have fostered some wonderful dogs in the past. I've always cried when they go to their new homes. But I also know that they are going where they need to go- a loving forever home. My last foster took my heart with him. He was only with us for three days and I then I had to do the hardest thing a foster can do-help him to the bridge. It will be a long time before I can muster up the energy for another foster, knowing that it could be long term, short term or just as a weigh station to their final crossing. Till then, I rescue with my head and hands-lots of home visits, lots of transports, fundraising and oh the paperwork and networking.

Later gators....

1 comment:

manymuddypaws said...

good post, I think that you made some really good points; and that more people need to be aware of what really happens in rescue. It is not a very easy job and not everyone is cut out for it!!!