Friday, December 19, 2008

The day after

Wow, what a night. Listened to the sleet, freezing rain and ice pellets bounce off the roof all night long. Ended up with a little over 4 inches, though Cedar Rapids only says 3 or so. Sun came out today and we could see whipped topping drifts all over the place. Dogs are in heaven and it's hard pressed to get them in the house at all. Horses are a little peeved but happy with the extra hay David's putting out for them. Moo's the least happy of them all as he got stuck in the stall last night. Safety precaution so that he doesn't reinjury himself.

Tomorrow is forecast for more snow to the north but mostly here high winds, which means drifting. Great, just love that, supposed to do some Christmas shopping tomorrow afternoon.

But on the other hand, I wouldn't trade where I live for any where else. I would like to visit far away lands, but always have the consistency of Iowa to come back too. I know you are laughing but yes consistent it is. Hot in the summer, wet in the spring, crisp in the fall and cold to the bone in the winter. I like the change, the beauty of it all. My great grandparents stuck it out, why shouldn't I? Be easier to give up and head south, nah, that's for weenies. Only way you'll get me outta here is if David gets a transfer, which I pray every day doesn't happen. I have no love for Irvine and I have no doubt it won't love me either!!!

So for now, it's knee deep snow, cold then you know what and a warm snuggly blanket to curl up under with a good book. Can't be all that bad, all my orchids are sending up shoots for new blooms, the violets are doing the same, all 15 of them! Springs around the corner, considering Sunday is the first offical day of winter, I can't wait!

Later gators.....

1 comment:

Arija said...

I echo your sentiments entirely, here it's hot and we are in our fifth year of drought and half my garden is dead and we have given up on the orchard, but moving to a lush green place is no answer. I'd rather fight the elements than people, and we are blessed with good ones around us. Our grandchildren were almost born here and to shift them would need a fleet of bulldozers, and without them we could not be happy either.
It is great to be satisfied with what you have. I still painfully miss the N.Hemisphere where I came from.
Happy Christmas!