So why is she no longer known as the pony? Because we have a real pony now!
As it happened, I had been following a facebook post about a pony for sale north of us(okay about 90 mins north). Super cute arab/welsh cross. Of course she's a bay and has all kinds of chrome. All summer people were interested, going to see her, etc. The weekend of the Saddle Up Youth shows at IEC/KCC, we were also headed up to Waverly for the fall exotic swap. Just that Friday, the post reappeared and this pony was still available. I sort of convinced dear hubby to haul the trailer up to Waverly then swing over to see this pony. That in and of it self involved a busy weekend, blown tire and hanging out on the interstate waiting for the spare.
What we saw was an 8 yr old working with this cute little 4 yr old mare, a 92 yr old man ride her and that was that. Loaded her in the trailer and brought her home. Muff renamed her...wait for it....Carnivorous Ladybug. Something about hearing that over a set of load speakers made her giggle. Oh well.
Ms Ladybug is one of those gems in the rough. About 12.2 hands, not too fine, just enough arab in her to make her smart looking. We've ridden her several times, sold to us as very green broke. We are looking into a harness and small governess cart for the spring. And even hubby has been smitten by her, or is that bitten? She likes to make you aware of her presences, especially if you are ignoring her. Called "bug bites", she grabs your sleeve or hood and jiggles it to get your attention. She's sweet, little attitude, nosy, smart and well, just the perfect little bug of a pony. And of course hubby says he bought ME a pony. Well, he bought US a pony as we are all just in love with her.
Introducing.. Carnivorous Ladybug aka Bug
Later gators....
do not forget that she was helping dad put up the tarp last night also
She is so adorable and I love all the chrome, what a nice addition.
My dad hasn't had a good chance to look at her until yesterday. He commented just how clean her movement is and that she's just so nice and well put together. Coming from him that's a big deal!
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