Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer days, summer nights

What a great weekend. Granted I was here and there and every where, but a weekend off is just what I needed. I have spotless floors after a week of muddy dog paws. Cleaned, organized, and of course pitched. Got stuff ready for the show and just plan lazed around.

Gotta send THATA BOYS out to Garrett and Mitcham for his 3rd major this weekend but even better is that he finished his first cardigan!! Good job Zoe!!!

Also congrats out to Dawn with some big wins with Peace and one of her other dogs, Music, taking his first major.

Here's a few photos of the gang here doing what they do best, just hanging....
I let Meredith's butterfly project take over one of my rose beds. It's now populated with milkweeds and monarch butterfly caterpillers.

And of course the ducks. We let the yearlings out with the aged group on Saturday. All looks like it's going well. The bottom photo is our apricot dilute khaki drake having a "chat" with his normal khaki buddy. Can you catch the shine on those cayugas? WOW, they are the coolest colored and I see some nice show prospects in there.

Okay now off to ride a horse.

Later gators...

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Those 2 ducks look like they are gossiping away. "Hey did you know there are a ton of caterpillars over there...smorgasboard!"
Nice pictures Cindy, Glad you had a good weekend too.